YEMEN Press Agency

UAE intelligence surrounds security official inside Balhaf Gas facility in Shabwa

SHABWA, June 14 (YPA) – The UAE has turned the Balhaf Gas facility into a military barracks for its forces in Shabwa governorate, eastern Yemen, since 2016.

Activists on social media circulated a picture of the director of security of Shabwa, Fouad al-Nasi, loyal to Saudi-led coalition surrounded by a number of Emirati intelligence officers during his visit on Monday to the Balhaf facility in the Radhum area on the Arabian Sea.

The activists accused the UAE of turning the Balhaf gas facility into a secret detention facility for all political and military activists opposed to its presence in Yemen’s southern and eastern governorates.

They stressed that the UAE  had destroyed the southern and eastern ports of Yemen in addition to closing a number of economic facilities, including Al-Rayyan Airport in the city of Mukalla, the capital of Hadramout province.