YEMEN Press Agency

Aden governor sends important invitation to southern political components

SANAA, May 05 (YPA) – Aden governor, appointed by Sanaa, Tariq Salam, called on the southern political and social components to unify visions and sit at the dialogue table to prepare for the tasks of the next stage to achieve peace, security and stability.

The governor said in a statement that Yemen, especially its southern part, is going through a dangerous juncture and complicated circumstances that resulted in catastrophic results and exacerbated the suffering of citizens, enabled the enemies to plunder, and destroy all aspects of life.

He pointed to the religious and civilizational value of dialogue in building understandings and unifying opinions that would contribute to making the bright future that all Yemenis look forward to.

Salam hoped that everyone would take his responsibility towards the homeland and the Yemeni people, who have suffered and are still suffering from the scourge of fragmentation and division, noting that the Yemenis would gather under the banner of Yemen and at the dialogue table to get the homeland out of its ordeal as a result of the aggression and occupation.