YEMEN Press Agency

STC’s head declares himself official delegate for southern cause

ADEN, May 05 (YPA) – Head of the UAE’-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, declared himself on Thursday the official delegate for the southern cause, away from the rest of the various political and social forces and components.

“The southern popular will make me to hold a heavy responsibility to lead and represent the people of the south, and authorized me to establish a political entity to manage the affairs of the south,” he said during the opening of the consultative meeting held by the STC in Aden.

Al-Zubaidi affirmed that the people of the southern provinces have fought three decades of struggle in the arenas of struggle and the fronts of sacrifice, in confronting the so-called forces of invasion, domination and plunder,” in reference to the 7/7 gang of followers of former President “Ali Abdullah Saleh” and the Islah party, which is currently located in Maashiq Palace in the center of the city of Aden.

Al-Zubaidi accepted entering into a comprehensive political settlement, saying: “The developments in the political process and the efforts of the international community to stop the war and start a comprehensive settlement process,.”

He reiterated the efforts of the international community led by the United Nations, aimed at stopping the war and establishing peace, “noting that the southern issue is pivotal and a basis for the solution and sustainable peace in Yemen.”

In his speech, Al-Zubaidi accused the coalition-backed government of working to disrupt the revenue institutions and waging an economic war against the people of the southern provinces.

The various components of the eastern provinces refused to participate in those consultations held in Aden, stressing that they do not concern them or represent them.