YEMEN Press Agency

Citizen killed in front of his wife in Taiz

TAIZ, Oct. 18 (YPA) – A citizen was killed in front of his wife by a gunman’s bullets in Al-Shamayatin district, which is controlled by Islah Party militants, south of Taiz province, local sources reported on Tuesday.

The sources said that the citizen Ali Sultan Abdullah Munasar Al-Azazi, 65, was killed by an unknown gunman on Monday, in the village of Al-Najd Hajfat, in Al-Azaiz area.

Al-Azazi was killed in front of his wife, who was collecting weeds from a farm near him, which caused her great shock, the sources added.

The sources attributed the death of the citizen to the corruption of the local and security authorities as a result of their manipulation of citizens’ issues and the delay in resolving disputes between citizens.