YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist entity, Bahrain singe framework agreement for cooperation

SANAA, March 29 (YPA) – The foreign minister of the occupation entity, Yair Lapid and his Bahraini counterpart Latif Al-Zayani signed a framework agreement for cooperation on the sidelines of a six-party summit held in the southern city of Negev, the Times of Israel newspaper reported.

A statement issued by the Israeli Foreign Ministry said the cooperation agreement, which was signed in the presence of the summit’s participants, will be supervised by the Foreign Ministries of both countries.

The Bahraini Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Foreign Minister, Abdullatif Al-Zayani, discussed with his Israeli counterpart, Yair Lapid, ways to develop bilateral cooperation as well as the latest political and security developments in the Middle East.

In 2020, Bahrain, the UAE, Sudan, and Morocco signed US-sponsored agreements to normalise relations with Israel, in a move decried by the Palestinians as a “betrayal” of their cause.