YEMEN Press Agency

Moscow: Washington should return to Iran nuclear deal

SANAA, Dec. 22 (YPA) – The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed the need for the United States to return unconditionally to the nuclear agreement concluded with Iran.
According to the “TASS” agency, the ministry expressed Moscow’s confidence in “the need for the United States to return to the joint comprehensive action plan without any preconditions” and Russia’s willingness to work with its partners “to help the Americans return to the right path, in a way that serves common interests.”

The statement stated that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed Moscow’s welcome to Iran’s statements about its readiness to return to its full commitment to the nuclear deal as soon as the United States returns to it.

The Foreign Ministry expressed Moscow’s hope that Washington would hear this Iranian message, stressing that “strict adherence to the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 by the American side is not a matter of choice but rather the commitment of each state under Article 25 of the United Nations Charter.”