YEMEN Press Agency

US daily Coronavirus infections hit 180,000

SANAA,Nov. 15 (YPA) – For the first time since the onset of the pandemic, the US daily cases of coronavirus have crossed the 180,000 threshold, according to Johns Hopkins University.


The university, which relies on official body data and open sources, said the death toll from confirmed coronary virus infections in the US has seen a new record-breaking 184,514 new cases of infection on Friday alone, compared with 153,496 on Thursday the largest daily increase since the onset of the pandemic as well.



The university confirmed that during the day, the American health authorities monitored 1,431 new deaths due to the epidemic, significantly exceeding the previous day’s statistics 919 deaths.



Overall, as of Saturday, 10,745,524 confirmed infections and 244,364 deaths were recorded in the United States as of Saturday, the largest death toll in the world.