YEMEN Press Agency

12 Syrians killed, wounded in mine explosion in Hama

SANAA, Nov. 9 (YPA) – Three Syrians, including a child, were killed and nine others were injured due to the explosion of a mine remnants of the Takfiri groups in the agricultural lands in the vicinity of Salamiyah, northeast of Hama.
SANA quoted a source in the Hama Police Command as saying: A landmine left over from the Takfiri groups exploded on Sunday evening in the vicinity of the Muharram Palace, killing three civilians, including a child, and wounding nine others while they were working on agricultural lands.

Before their defeat, the Takfiri groups planted mines and improvised explosive devices in their places of deployment and hid them in villages and towns and in agricultural lands to inflict as much damage as possible to the people who return to their areas after their liberation.