YEMEN Press Agency

Rouhani: New US government should make up for its predecessor’s mistakes

SANAA, Nov. 9 (YPA) – President Hassan Rouhani has advised the new US administration to make up for its predecessor’s mistakes and return Washington to its international commitments.

“ It is an opportunity for the next US administration to make up for the past mistakes and return to the course of commitment to international obligations by respecting international principles,” Rouhani said on Sunday, addressing a meeting of the government’s Economic Coordination Headquarters.

Rouhani stressed that Iran has always fulfilled its obligations and that it prepares constructive engagement with the countries of the world as a strategy,

Rouhani, meanwhile, reminded how the Iranian nation came out victorious in the face of the economic war imposed on it by the Trump administration, thus proving that the US policy of “maximum pressure” was “doomed to fail.”

He also vowed that his government would be vigorously pursuing a policy of strengthening the national currency, contributing to national production operations, and countywide economic growth by adopting proper financial policies and channeling liquidity towards production and investment.