YEMEN Press Agency

4 US soldiers killed in Syria

SANAA, Nov.9 (YPA) -At least four soldiers from US occupation on Sunday were killed when an explosive device exploded and targeted their vehicle in the countryside of Markada town on Hasaka- Deir Ezzor Highway, SANA news Agency reported .

According to civil sources, four American occupation soldiers, among them a translator, were killed when an explosive device exploded, targeting their vehicle in the countryside of Markada town on Hasaka-Deir Ezzor Road Between al-Shaddadi base and al-Omar oil field in Deir Ezzor countryside.


The sources added that the US occupation forces imposed security cordon around the explosion place.


US occupation forces, in cooperation with Syrian Democratic Forces control most of the oil fields in the Syrian island region, and they have reinforced their presence after sending hundreds of trucks with military and logistical reinforcements.