YEMEN Press Agency

Bahrain Youth Revolution condemns betrayal of Khalifa, confirms his illegality

SANAA, Sept. 12 (YPA) – The political council of the Coalition Youth of 14 Feb Revolution in Bahrain announced its condemnation of the Bahraini regime’s declaration of normalization of relations with the Israeli entity, as “a major caliphate’s treason” and a “vile provocative step” by an authoritarian regime that has no legitimacy, and “does not represent the Bahraini people.”

The political council of the Bahrain Revolution Youth Coalition said, in a statement, on Friday night: “The normalization agreement is a major caliphate betrayal announced by the American Black House.” Stressing that this treacherous step “does not represent the people of Bahrain.”

The political council added: “We declare our strong disapproval and condemnation of this American-Zionist Khilafid declaration,” and  “The despicable and provocative step of the illegal ruler of Bahrain was taken in the service of his American master, Donald Trump, to achieve electoral purposes.”

The Political Council of the Revolutionary Youth continued: “We hold the dictator Hamad’s person with the consequences of this blatant decision.” At the end of the statement, The Council asserted that: “This treacherous step will remain unclean ink on paper that will not be recognized by the people of Bahrain.”