YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli media reveals detail of “peace summit” sponsored by US expected to be held in one Gulf states

SANAA, Aug. 26 (YPA) – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s current visit to the region “is part of Washington’s efforts to lay the foundation for the peace summit” to be held in the Arab Gulf states in the next few weeks, the daily “Israel Today” Newspaper reported

The summit will be held in one of the Gulf states,” the newspaper quoting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assaying

According to the Newspaper, the United States is trying to “secure the participation of Bahrain, Oman, Morocco, Sudan and Chad, along with Israel and the UAE.”

“Other countries, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, have not yet confirmed their participation in the summit,” it added.

The source was quoted as saying that before and during Pompeo’s visit to Israel, US officials told Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and other senior PA officials that Washington would be happy for the Palestinians to take part in the summit, and that Pompeo would like to hand Abbas an invitation in person in Ramallah

However, Abbas and his aides “rejected the messages out of hand and even sent the message that Pompeo is not wanted in Ramallah,” according to the Emirati source.

The Palestinian position is very saddening, the source was quoted as saying. They were given an opportunity to deescalate the situation in the form of a respectful and fair invitation to take part in a regional peace conference, and they rejected it out of hand with no reasonable explanation.