YEMEN Press Agency

After the direct agreement. UAE-Israeli arrangements for military bases in Socotra

SOCOTRA, Aug. 26 (YPA) – There are no limits to the Sacrifices that the UAE offers to the Israeli entity in order to please the US administration after the announcement of a direct agreement for their relations in the middle of this month, activists on social media, including leaders of the “Islah” allies of “Abu Dhabi” yesterday, revealed a new aggression against Yemen.

After the betrayal agreement between the UAE and Israel, the pace of UAE moves to occupy the island of Socotra increased.

A leader of al-Islah, an ally of the UAE regime in the invasion of Yemen, revealed that a number of UAE and Israeli intelligence officers have arrived on the island of Socotra to make arrangements for the establishment of military bases in important and sensitive locations in the Socotra archipelago.

The visit of the UAE-Israeli delegation targeted the “Jamjumah” center in the “Momi” area in the east of the island, and the “Qattnan” center in its west, which is located in the highest mountain peaks overlooking the International Maritime Route.

The UAE-Israeli move on the island of Socotra was a few days after the announcement of direct normalization between them, as if the UAE was offering the Socotra Archipelago as a sacrifice and a dowry on the occasion of the official announcement of the relationship.

These moves came after local media revealed leaks stated the head of the intelligence of the United Arab Emirates “Tahnoon bin Zayed” sent a letter to the head of the government of “Hadi”, “Moeen Abdul-Malik” asking him to keep Socotra outside the ongoing understandings on the completion of the implementation of the terms of the Riyadh agreement between the Government of Hadi and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) .

The Israeli enemy media throughout the past period did not hide its interest in Socotra Island, especially during the six years of aggression against Yemen.

Many statements of the officials of the Zionist entity expressed their aspirations for an effective presence for them on the island of Socotra as it celebrated after the UAE took control of the island.

According to the Observers, UAE’s malicious motives for tightening its control over Socotra are no longer a matter of difference between Yemeni political components, with the exception of the STC that aspires to govern even at the expense of cutting off part of Yemeni territory.

They stressed that Abu Dhabi seeks to have a portion of Socotra for commercial interests only because it is not a regional game and its mission is only to implement agendas.

The United States and the Israeli entity are taking over the remaining parts to be transformed into military zones, especially as regional tensions escalate.