YEMEN Press Agency

Qatar mocks Hadi’s prime minister’s remarks

SANAA, July 21 (YPA) – Qatar mocked the remarks made by Hadi’s Prime Minister Moeen Abdul Malik after accusing Doha of supporting the Houthis with money and weapons

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its deep surprise at including the name of the State of Qatar in the war in Yemen.

The ministry also expressed its categorical rejection and denunciation of the false accusations made by the Hadi’s Prime Minister regarding the alleged support for the Houthi movement.

The Qatari statement included a call for Yemeni officials to distance themselves from the conflicts, which are aimed at dragging them into self-conflict, and the need to draw attention to the fact that there are those who seek to employ the tragedy of the Yemeni people for the benefit of conflicts in which they have no to do with.

It affirmed the solidarity of the government and people of the State of Qatar with the Yemeni people.

Moeen Abdel Malik made his remarks against Qatar came on the sidelines of his visit to the Egyptian capital on Monday

He accused Qatar of supporting the Houthis with money, arms, media and relations, and worked to destabilize Yemen, and since the Gulf crisis.

This Qatari policy has become clear, he said.