YEMEN Press Agency

After overthrowing of Socotra.. Will Hadhramout be the next station for the STC ?

HADHRAMUAT, June 21 (YPA) – It seems that Hadhramaut province will be the next station for the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias after they took control over Socotra island.

Indications of escalation are beginning to come to the front through the so-called the STC escalation committee in the Hadhramaut Valley.

During its meeting on Sunday, the committee called on Hadhramout’s sons to demonstrate to express their demands for security, stability and to extend the influence of the forces of the so-called Hadhrami elite in Hadhramaut, as well as the departure of the so-called usurped forces from the valley, referring to the al-Islah party militants who control the oil plateau in Hadhramaut province.

This is what observers considered a declaration of war in the province and the trend of the STC to overthrow the province, similar to what happened in Socotra.

According to observers, the overthrow of Socotra and declaring victory  in the province will open its appetite to expand control to the oil-rich province of Hadhramaut, especially after Saudi Arabia clearly abandoned the Hadi and al-Islah militants and left them facing their fate in the battles that took place in the past days, unlike the UAE, which continued to support the its militias with money and weapons.

They said that  the STC continued to see Hadhramaut as an extension of his country, which it demanded and will not abandon, which was confirmed by the head of the STC, Aydours al-Zubeidi, conforming in statements that Hadramout is like the mother of the south.

Since the announcement of the so-called self-administration of the South, the UAE has sought to remove the al-Islah forces from the oil plateau in the Hadhramaut Valley, which has been transformed into autonomous areas of Ali Mohsen under the control of its fifth region forces over the Hadhramaut Valley.

From that day on, the UAE has been pushing the STC to more pressure, and is funding a plan to deploy a security force from the Hadhramaut and elite tribes to secure the valley and desert areas, in an attempt to displace Mohsen’s forces, which are present in the area.

In parallel, Al-Islah militants showed their commitment more in the province through moves led by Ali Mohsen to reinforce his forces, and send more weapons from Marib to Hadhramaut Valley via the coast to thwart the STC’s plan aimed at controlling Hadhramaut province.

Hadhramaut province has been the main point of conflict between the STC and the al-Islah militants, who are fighting for influence and control over the vast oil wealth that exists on the territory of the province as part of the project of their Saudi and Emirati masters, which they want to impose on the occupied Yemeni provinces.