YEMEN Press Agency

Haniyeh calls on Arab, Islamic leaders to move to confront Zionist entity

SANAA, June 9 (YPA) – Hamas Resistance Movement ‘s Political Bureau Chief, Ismail Haniyeh on Tuesday called on the leaders of the Arab and Islamic countries to move to confront the criminal and racist annexation policy committed by the Zionist entity in West Bank, and al-Quds and the Jordan Valley.

In his letter written to more than 40 leaders, Haniyeh affirmed that the Zionist annexation plan is a new aggression adds to the series of Zionist occupation crimes and massacres the Palestinian people and the peoples of the region and a real threat to the present and future of Palestine and the Arab and Islamic nation.

Haniyeh reaffirmed the need to take great serious stances to reject, criminalize the Zionist plans and projects of Judaization and partition that target the Palestinian Issue.
He stressed on the impotence of supporting the Palestinian people, its resistances steadfastness and stability for protecting Islamic and Christian sanctities and deterring the occupation.