YEMEN Press Agency

STC prevents northern citizens from entering Aden

ADEN, June 8 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia once again repeated their racist practice against the people of the northern provinces and preventing them from entering the city of Aden.

Local sources in Aden city confirmed that security belt forces deployed on the line linking Al Burayqah and Bir Ahmed areas on Saturday prevented dozens of travelers from Taiz province from entering the city.

The sources said that STC militias detained 10 buses and cars and were admitted to the Sha’ab School from 12 p.m. to 11 p.m.

According to the sources, they released the detained passengers after being forced to sign not to return to Aden again and forced to return to Taiz.

The STC occasionally prevents the people of the northern provinces from entering the city of Aden, and launches campaigns to expel the people of the northern provinces from the southern provinces as part of the coalition’s plot to tear Yemen’s social fabric apart and  seeking to divide the country.