YEMEN Press Agency

Johns Hopkins University: Corona virus infections exceed 7 million globally

SANAA, June 8 (YPA) – As of Monday morning, worldwide infections of Corona virus (COVID- 19) have exceeded the 7 million, according to Johns Hopkins University

.University data show that 117.9 thousand people were infected with the virus in the last 24 hours, compared to 126.3 the previous day.

The world’s death toll has reached 402,852, while 3.14million and 142,440 people have recovered since the outbreak of the pandemic.

More than 1,942,000 people infected in the United States, followed by Brazil (about 692,000) and Russia (about 468,000).

Among the Arab countries most affected by the epidemic are Saudi Arabia (101,900), Qatar (68.7 thousand), the UAE (38.8 thousand), Egypt (34,000) and Kuwait (31.8 thousand).