YEMEN Press Agency

Australian PM calls WHO for international investigation on Corona

SANAA, April 23 (YPA) – Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison called on members of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday to collaborate in a proposed independent study on the spread of the Coronavirus.
When you go to a member of a forum like the World Health Organization, you are supposed to find related responsibilities and obligations and we would like the world to be safer with regard to viruses,” Morrison told a news conference.

In Australia, injuries approached 15,000 cases, over 11,000 of whom recovered, while 510 others died.
He added, “I hope that any other country, whether China or others, will share that goal with us.”
Morrison spoke on Wednesday with a number of world leaders, including US President Donald Trump, with the aim of mobilizing support for an investigation into the origins of the emerging Corona virus that appeared in China late last year.
On March 11, World Health Organization classified the Corona virus, which causes “Covid 19”, and a global pandemic (pandemic).