YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli occupation launches arrest campaign in West Bank, targeting 3 Hamas leaders

SANAA, March 4 (YPA) – Israeli occupation forces on Wednesday launched a campaign of arrests in the occupied West Bank cities, targeting a number of Hamas leaders, International media reported .

According to the Anadolu News Agency, “an Israeli military force raided neighborhoods and towns in Ramallah province, and arrested three Hamas leaders.”

“The forces arrested the leaders Bages Nakhla and Ahmed Zaid from the Jalazone refugee camp, and Sa’aeed  Abu Al-Baha from the town of Bitunia” .

Witnesses reported that “clashes broke out between youths and the Israeli occupation army”, asserting that the latter had used tear gas and rubber bullets.

According to Palestinian sources, the Israeli occupation on Tuesday evening arrested three Citizens as they passed through the Karama crossing.

“The occupying forces arrested the official of the holy sites in the Fatah area in Jerusalem, Haj Awad al-Salaima, the head of the Fatah movement  Ahmed al-Ghoul, and  Erin al-Za’anin as they passed the Karama crossing,” the Palestinian news agency WAFA said.