YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist enemy forces arrest 3 Hamas leaders in West Bank

SANAA, March 4 (YPA) – Zionist enemy forces arrested n Wednesday three Hamas leaders in the city of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.
The Palestinian Press Agency reported that a military force from the enemy army arrested Sheikh Bajis Nakhleh, Saed Abu Bahaa and Ahmed Zayd, who were leaders of Hamas, as the enemy stormed their homes in Jalazoun and Petunia camp in Ramallah.

The agency indicated that the contents of their homes were tampered with, and that they were transferred after their arrest to an unknown destination.

In the context, confrontations between Palestinian youths and enemy forces renewed on Tuesday evening at the southern checkpoint of the city of Qalqilya.

Local sources said that the enemy soldiers fired sound and gas bombs.

The enemy forces also installed a roadblock at the eastern entrance to the city, obstructing the movement of citizens, searching a number of cars and assaulting some of them.