YEMEN Press Agency

Residents in Rada’a district affirm their commitment to their identity of faith

BAYDA, Dec. 21 (YPA) – Residents of Bustan Hassan neighborhood in Rada’a district of  Bayda  organized a vigil  to confirm their  adherence to the identity of faith and denounce the continuation of the unjust siege on the sons of Ad Durayhimi District in Hodeidah province.

The participants pointed out the need for attention and vigilance towards the enemy and its twisted methods aimed at depriving the people of Yemen of their identity of faith honored by God and his Messenger.

They  called on everyone to move and educate society about this malice directed towards the country of faith and wisdom.

A statement issued by the protesters stressing their adherence to the identity of faith which is a commitment to the choice and the divine honor that God and his Prophet Yemen and its people .

“It is a commitment to strength, pride and dignity and a guaranteed key to victory and the peasant in the life of the world and the hereafter, ” the statement read.

The statement also condemned the continuation of the unjust siege imposed on the sons of Ad Durayhimi District in the light of the international and international silence reached to the extent of complicity with the Saudi-led aggression and its mercenaries.