YEMEN Press Agency

Hani Ben Brik sends important advice to Saudi Arabia, UAE

ADEN, Aug. 31 (YPA) – Hani bin Brik, vice president of the so-called Southern Transitional Council backed by the United Arab Emirates( UAE) has advised Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates UAE.

In a thread of tweets, Hani Ben Brik said: “I swear a God are the terrorist party of Islah is an ally of the ” Houthis” and the leadership of the international organization of the Brotherhood is leading the coordination with the Qatari and Turkish regime to exhaust the coalition.

I advised Saudi Arabia and the UAE to take out the Islah party and you would find its militants fighting with the “Houthis” on the second day as Qatar made and all the masks will be revealed and we will save the region of the greatest evils.

Ben Brik added: “O tribes of the south a and Free men” Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar and Al-Qqqdshi and all the forces of the north, which are covered by the so-called legitimacy, fled from Sanaa in order not to be dragged to fight in it. They have all manpower and equipment, and they stayed for four years. We are here – They do not want to break into Sanna because their children and sons are there , and in moments they decided with the help of ” al- Missari ” southern facilitator to storm the south ”.

He added: “People of the South, the father of the south, and those with them of the southerners in the ranks of the invaders in the name of legitimacy, blinded by the personal revenge of their selves and victory, even at the expense of insulting their land and their people.”

He continued: We have witnessed the insult since 1994, and witnessed by this facilitator ” al-Missari” more than once and he has called on the South more than once. But the spirit of revenge blinded him despite Pardon and forgiveness.

“Our focus as southerners has been on two things: cooperating with the Saudi-led coalition to eliminate the ” Houthi project” ، and initiating a final and just peaceful solution to our southern national cause. إhis is first thing, he said.The second thing is Building honest military units in the face of ” al-Houthi” , and security units to counter al-Qaeda and ISIS.

” All of this wants to be corrupted and thwarted by the terrorist organization ” the Islah Party (The Yemeni Branch of Muslim brotherhood)”,” He concluded.