YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi Arabia, UAE have no will for peace: Ansaruallah Member

SANAA, Nov. 25 (YPA) – Member of Ansaruallah Political Bureau, Abdulmalik al-Ajri, on Sunday said that there is no will for peace and no sense of responsibility towards the humanitarian disaster caused by the war led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE on Yemen.

“Saudi-led coalition countries’ failure to respond to Ansaruallah’s initiative to stop hostilities is a new proof that they do not want peace,” said al-Ajri in a telephone interview with the Russian news agency Sputnik.

“Although the coalition states are aware that they are fighting a losing war in Yemen, but they are determined to go forward,” al-Araji added.

He pointed out that the whole world has become convinced that “the solution in Yemen is political and not military, and this is also our conviction.”

“The ball today is in the coalition’s court,” he said.

He confirmed that Ansaruallah are sticking to peace as a way for the solution and ready for the war to defend themselves and the country.


