Hadramout tribes condemn coalition’s repressive practices against activists
HADRAMOUT, Mar. 11 (YPA) – The Hadramout Tribal Alliance and the Hadramout General Conference on Monday condemned the continued pressure exerted by the Saudi-led coalition-allied authorities on journalists and media activists.
The alliance and the conference considered that these practices represent a futile attempt to silence voices and conceal facts from public opinion.
They explained, in a statement issued on Monday, that the summoning of journalists Ali Abdullah Al-Khalaki and Sabri Bargash by the so-called “East Mukalla Prosecution” due to their media coverage of the deteriorating service and living conditions is a blatant attack on public freedoms and a violation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression guaranteed by the constitution and laws.
The statement indicated that such repressive actions reflect an approach similar to the policies of totalitarian and dictatorial regimes and serve the forces of corruption, calling for an immediate halt and ensuring that they are not repeated in the future.
It also called for providing the necessary protection for journalists and media professionals and ensuring that they are not exposed to forms of intimidation that hinder their role in combating corruption and exposing violations.
The alliance and the conference concluded with an appeal to the pro-coalition “Public Prosecutor” in Aden to assume his legal responsibilities by ensuring public freedoms, investigating the violations committed, and holding the parties involved accountable.