YEMEN Press Agency

Tribal gunmen kidnap elements of Homeland Shield factions in Abyan

ABYAN, Feb. 11 (YPA) – A number of elements and leaders of the Saudi-funded “Homeland Shield” factions were kidnapped by tribal gunmen in Abyan Governorate, southern Yemen.

Local sources reported that gunmen belonging to the Bakazim tribe kidnapped a number of “Homeland Shield” recruits last night in the Daiqah area of ​​Al-Mahfad district, including Nabil Al-Aghbari, the head of the medical sector in the military police, and they were taken to an unknown location.

The sources pointed out that the kidnapping was as a protest by the tribal militants against their dismissal by the leadership of the “Homeland Shield”, as their dues were arbitrarily cut.

These measures angered the militants, which prompted them to carry out the kidnapping as a means of pressure to restore their rights, the sources added.