YEMEN Press Agency

UAE takes escalatory steps in oil-rich Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, Jan. 07 (YPA) – The UAE-backed armed factions established armed points and barracks in the oil-rich province of Hadramout in eastern Yemen.

A local source in the city explained that the factions from the so-called “Barashid” camp and “security support” deployed after tribal reinforcements arrived at the sites of so-called the pro-Saudi Tribal Alliance west of Mukalla city.

The source affirmed that a number of Emirati military vehicles were deployed near the Alliance’s points on the coast of Ambah, indicating that the deployment came after the Alliance sites in western Mukalla city were bombed by a naval missile attack, likely from an American warship.

It explained that the spread of the armed factions aimed to allow the passage of crude fuel tankers by force of arms, after the Alliance prevented them until achieving the legitimate demands of the people of Hadramout and grant them revenues from their looted wealth.

The Hadramout General Conference warned in a statement on Monday against the continuation of the escalation that would push the province to explode the security situation, demanding an urgent investigation into the party that carried out the attacks on the Alliance’s sites
after the Islah Party-run Second Region Command denied its involvement in the incident.