YEMEN Press Agency

STC members open fire at groom during his wedding ceremony in Aden

ADEN, Dec. 30 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) elements shot a groom during his wedding ceremony in the city of Aden, which is under coalition control in southern Yemen.

Human rights sources confirmed that two members of the Transitional Council factions shot at citizens who were in the car of the groom, Yaqoub Afif Al-Naqili, during his wedding ceremony in the Bir Ahmed area, and the car’s tires were damaged, without mentioning any human losses.

The sources explained that the elements belonging to the “First Support and Reinforcement Brigade” factions attacked the groom due to a dispute with the groom’s relatives, indicating that the shooting incident during the past few days caused damage to the car and caused panic among citizens.

The sources pointed out that the faction leaders did not give any importance to the residents’ demands to hold the perpetrators accountable.