YEMEN Press Agency

Hamas comments on heroic stabbing operation in occupied city of Hadera

GAZA, Oct. 09 (YPA) – The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” commented on the heroic stabbing operation in the occupied city of Hadera, north of Tel Aviv, on Wednesday, which resulted in the injury of 8 Israelis, five of whom were seriously injured according to Israeli occupation sources.

Hamas said in its statement: “The “heroic stabbing operation in the occupied city of Hadera is an eloquent message that the occupation’s criminality in Gaza and the West Bank will not go unpunished, and that the flame of resistance will remain burning, and that its deep blows will continue.”

The statement pointed out that the operation confirms that “the occupation’s aggression will bring nothing but panic and calamity, and that its massacres against our people will be faced with more determination, challenge and resistance.”

Hamas called for more painful strikes against the occupation, igniting the arenas of confrontation, and confronting them with all means and tools, until the aggression stops and the occupation is defeated.

According to Palestinian sources, the perpetrator of the operation was Ahmed Jabareen, a young Palestinian man from Umm al-Fahm in the occupied interior. He carried an ax and a knife and went on his motorcycle to the occupied city of Hadera and stabbed eight Israelis in four different squares inside the city while riding the bike within an hour.

Israeli media reported that Shin Bet members were called to the scene of the stabbing in Hadera, while Magen David Adom described the condition of five

of the injured as “serious.”

Regarding the perpetrator of the attack, the Israeli media announced the “neutralization” (killing) of the perpetrator of the stabbing operation in Hadera.

This operation comes days after a double operation that included shooting and stabbing in Beersheba, in which an Israeli woman was killed, while 13 others were injured, and the Israeli media described it as “very dangerous and complicated.”