YEMEN Press Agency

Body of killed citizen found on desert road in Marib

MARIB, Sept. 28 (YPA) – Citizens found, on Saturday, a body of a citizen killed near one of the military points belonging to the coalition factions on the desert road east of Marib province.

Activists reported that citizens found the body of an unidentified citizen killed next to his “Hilux” car on the desert road linking Marib and Al-Jawf, which is controlled by the “Sixth Military Region” factions affiliated with the Islah party and leader Sagheer Bin Aziz.

The photos circulated by activists showed the citizen’s body next to the car, whose tires were punctured by gunfire, without finding any documents revealing the victim’s identity.

Incidents of robbery and killing of citizens and travelers are repeated in desert road amidst rejection by coalition authorities to open the main roads, which prompted the Sana’a government to open Marib-Bayda road from one side to alleviate citizens’ suffering.