YEMEN Press Agency
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Students food warehouses robbed in Hadramout university

HADRAMOUT, May 12 (YPA) - An unethical incident had occurred, the first of its kind, at Hadramout University, which is under the control of the coalition in eastern Yemen, informed sources told Yemen Press Agency. The sources confirmed that…

STS factions kidnap one of Taiz sons in Aden

ADEN, March 31 (YPA) - Gunmen in the UAE-backed factions of the “Transitional Council”, kidnapped one of the sons of Taiz province, and took him to an unknown destination in Aden province. Informed sources in the city said that elements in…

One year old girl found killed in Aden

ADEN, March 07 (YPA) - The city of Aden, which is under the control of the coalition, witnessed a heinous crime against a one-year-old girl, amid the security chaos witnessed in the city since the second half of 2015. Human rights sources…

Somali child raped inside school in Aden

ADEN, March 05 (YPA) - A child of Somali nationality “7 years old”, was raped in the city of Aden, which is under the control of factions loyal to coalition. Human rights sources in the city said that the “unnamed” girl was raped inside the…

Businessman kidnapped in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, March 03 (YPA) - A businessman was kidnapped on Sunday by unknown gunmen in the province of Hadramout, which is under the control of the coalition in eastern Yemen. Local sources quoted that unknown gunmen in military uniforms…