YEMEN Press Agency

Italian PM affirms Palestinians’ right to establish their state

WORLD, Sept. 25 (YPA) -Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, said on Tuesday that Palestinians have the right to establish a state, but in order to do so, they need effective leadership capable of creating such a state in the Middle East.

In her speech during the general political debate at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Meloni said, ” As for the Palestinian people, they have the right to have their own state, but “for this to see the light soon, it is necessary for the Palestinians to entrust it to a leadership inspired by dialogue, the stabilization of the Middle East and autonomy”.

She stressed the need for  a ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate release of Israeli hostages.

“We can no longer witness tragedies like those of these days in southern and eastern Lebanon, involving defenseless civilians, including many children,” the Prime Minister added.

