YEMEN Press Agency

Corruption, security chaos spark angry demonstration in Abyan

ABYAN, Sept. 23 (YPA) – A protest rally was staged on Sunday in Lawdar district of Abyan province, south of Yemen, to denounce administrative corruption and the security deterioration in the district, which is under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions.

In the rally, dozens of participants, including a group of intellectuals and social figures, toured the streets of the Lawdar city, raising banners and slogans demanding that the corrupt be held accountable and that security and social peace be restored in the area.

The demonstrators stressed the need for immediate action by the coalition-funded authorities to address the problems suffered by citizens, stressing that their rejection the continuation of this situation.

The rally showed the extent of popular anger over the spread of administrative corruption and security chaos in Lawdar, amid demands to work to improve the conditions of citizens.