YEMEN Press Agency

Hadramout Tribes Confederacy establishes new tribal camp west of province

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 22 (YPA) – The Hadramout Tribes Confederacy has taken new steps as part of its escalation against the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition by establishing a new camp for the tribes west of Hadramout province, eastern Yemen.

The confederacy confirmed in a statement issued on the Facebook platform yesterday, Friday, that it had begun establishing a camp for tribesmen in the Rajmiya Broum Mayfa area, west of the province, due to the pro-coalition government’s failure to respond to the legitimate demands of the people of Hadramout.

According to the statement, the move comes to strengthen the confederacy’s control over the land to preserve the province’s wealth from looting and terming on the one hand, and to pressure the pro-coalition “presidential leadership council” and authorities to meet all the legitimate rights and demands of Hadramout.