YEMEN Press Agency

Libya’s UN ambassador calls Israeli envoy “Clown”

WORLD, Sept. 18 (YPA) – Libya’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Taher al-Sunni, called the Israeli ambassador to the organization, Danny Danon, as a “clown” who is trying to put on funny shows,” emphasizing that the occupation of Palestinian territories remains illegal.

In his speech before the UN General Assembly, Al-Sunni stated, “The occupation of Palestinian territories will always be considered to be illegal,” expressing astonishment at “the positions of countries calling for non-compliance with international law.”

He responded to Danon’s remarks, who had referred to the performance of the Palestinian delegation at the assembly as a “circus,” saying, “We consider him a clown trying to present his tricks and funny acts.”

He concluded his speech by affirming that “Libya believes that resistance against the Israeli enemy is not terrorism.”


