YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed STC kidnaps mosque preacher in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 15 (YPA) – Members of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) kidnapped on Saturday an imam and preacher of a mosque in Mansoura district, Aden province.

Local sources said that members of the Security Belt of the STC kidnapped the imam of Saad bin Moaz Mosque, Sheikh “Atheer Al-Khalaki”, after he left the Friday sermon and prayer, and took him to an unknown location.

The sources affirmed that the kidnap came against the backdrop of his criticism in the Friday sermons of the regimes normalizing relations with Israeli occupation and his denunciation of the Arab and Islamic silence towards the Zionist massacres against the people of Gaza.

The coalition-held factions areas are witnessing a state of security chaos that has helped spread crimes and kidnappings in an unprecedented manner.