YEMEN Press Agency

Severe water crisis hits Aden

ADEN, Sept. 10 (YPA) – The city of Aden is experiencing an unprecedented severe water crisis, as residents suffering from frequent and prolonged water outages, which has exacerbated their daily suffering and deteriorated health conditions.

Aden’s water infrastructure has suffered from erosion and damage caused by conflict and negligence, leading to significant water leakage and waste.

The water sector is plagued by poor management and corruption within the government, loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, resulting in a lack of investment in developing water sources and improving network efficiency.

The water crisis has led to the spread of waterborne diseases, such as diarrhea and cholera, particularly affecting children and the elderly.

Residents face significant difficulties in securing water for drinking and sanitation, which greatly impacts their daily life.

The water crisis also severely affects various economic sectors, including agriculture and industry, leading to increased unemployment and worsening economic conditions.

It is worth noting that Aden is also experiencing unprecedented security instability due to the factional conflicts among the pro- coalition forces.

