YEMEN Press Agency

Netherlands: Thousands of small shoes convey tragedy of Gaza children

AMSTERDAM, Sept. 08 (YPA) – The Dutch city of Rotterdam witnessed an event to draw attention to the tragedy of the children of Gaza in light of the Israeli occupation attacks by displaying 16,000 pairs of small shoes in Schweiburg Square.

The Dutch “Plant an Olive Tree” Foundation supervised the organization of the event in the middle of Schweiburg Square in Rotterdam to commemorate the children killed by the Israeli occupation army.

In reference to the number of children killed, the foundation placed more than 16,000 pairs of small shoes in the square. The names and ages of thousands of children killed in Gaza were also read.

The foundation’s director, Esther van der Most, said that this is the ninth event to memorialize the children of Gaza in the Netherlands.

She explained, “The daily and excessive killing of Palestinians for 11 months is an unprecedented event, and we are organizing demonstrations against it.”

Esther stated that the foundation commemorates children killed by “Israel” in particular.

“According to official records, the number is about 17,000 children, but according to a study conducted by The Lancet, the actual number exceeds 83,000,” she added.