YEMEN Press Agency

Popular action targets Emirati force in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 01 (YPA) – A number of armed men in the city of Al-Shihr of Hadramout province intercepted an Emirati force accompanying leaders of the local authority on their way from Al Shihr to Mukalla city on Saturday.

Sources familiar with the matter said that the militants, along with a number of protesting citizens, forced the UAE forces to return under popular pressure to Ash Shihr district to change its route by Ghayl Bawazir Road, then to Al-Uyun Al-Salb, arriving at Al-Rayyan Airport in Al-Mukalla.

This comes as part of the escalation of angry protests demanding the withdrawal of foreign forces from Hadramout and the opening of Al-Rayyan Airport to civilian flights, which has been closed since the UAE took control of the city in 2016.