YEMEN Press Agency

Female students suffered from severe suffocation due to toxic gases in Abyan

ABYAN, Aug. 30 (YPA) – About 18 female students in the Balqis Educational Complex in the city of Zinjibar, the center of Abyan province, south of Yemen, suffered from severe suffocation and fainting due to inhaling unknown toxic gases last Wednesday.

Medical sources reported that the accident happened while they were inside the school during the evening period, without knowing the source.

The sources explained that some of the female students who were taken to Zinjibar Hospital suffered serious health complications following they fainted and suffocated after leaving the hospital, and two of them were transferred to Aden to receive treatment there.

The sources confirmed that 7 of the students are still in Zanjibar, whose health condition is deteriorating due to difficulty breathing.

“There are prohibited toxic materials and waste buried in or near the school yard, emitting toxic gases as a result of the heavy rains and floods that the city witnessed,” the sources suggested.

The school was evacuated as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of the remaining students and the educational staff, to avoid further possible injuries.

The source of the toxic gases that almost killed the students remains unknown, despite the school fence being adjacent to the Abyan Security Department.