YEMEN Press Agency

Southern activists reveal shocking revelations about Emirati actions against STC leader

ADEN, Aug. 30 (YPA) – Southern activists have revealed shocking information about the ousting of Eidroos al-Zubaidi, the leader of the UAE-supported Southern Transitional Council (STC), from overseeing his most vital military unit in Aden, southern Yemen.

Activists confirmed that the UAE has stripped al-Zubaidi, who represents the “Dhalea” faction, of command over key militias formed in recent years, transferring power to his deputy, Salafi leader Abdulrahman al-Muharami “Abu Zura’a,” head of the Al-Amaliqa Brigades and representing the “Yafea” faction within the STC.

Meanwhile, the “Radfan” faction will temporarily retain its role in leading these militias.

The activists explained that this move came in the wake of scandals revealing the UAE’s involvement in assassination crimes, torture of detainees, and forced disappearances.

The UAE is reportedly aiming to consolidate full control over Aden by favoring the “Yafea” faction, according to the activists.

They pointed out that the involvement of leaders close to al-Zubaidi, who are based in Abu Dhabi, in the kidnapping and disappearance of Major Ali Ashal al-Jaadani in mid-June was used as a pretext for the recent Emirati decisions against the STC leader, especially after the al-Jaadani tribe rejected the UAE’s offer of 100 million Saudi Riyals to settle the Ashal case.

Political analysts suggested that removing al-Zubaidi from his command is part of a strategy to pave the way for Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh’s entry into Aden and Saudi-led coalition’s effort to restructure the “Presidential Leadership Council” without him.

They also accused that the US Ambassador to Ahmed Awdh bin Mubarak’s government of being behind the targeting of southern leaders.

Observers anticipated that the UAE could impose house arrest on al-Zubaidi in Abu Dhabi, much like the fate of his deputies, Hani bin Brik and General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, as well as other leaders who have disappeared from the political and military scene in Aden.

