YEMEN Press Agency

Akhmat Russian special forces eliminate Polish, German mercenaries

WORLD, Aug. 29 (YPA) – Akhmat Russian special forces  in the Kursk Region have several times clashed with mercenaries speaking German and Polish and all of them were been eliminated , TASS reported, citing the chief of a commando squad.

“We’ve met foreign mercenaries here. There were Germans and some Poles. When we clashed with them in combat and heard them speak to each other, we realized that they were foreigners. Among those we have taken prisoner they are no such militants. This means that they have been liquidated,” he said.

Residents of Kursk Oblast have confirmed the presence of foreign mercenaries in the attacks by Kiev forces on villages and towns in the region, identifying some of their nationalities by their languages, including French and Polish.

Earlier, an image of three men in military uniforms carrying weapons and wearing blue insignias on their uniforms appeared on the Instagram page of the American private military company “Forward Observations Group,” with an armored vehicle in the background.

Military Watch magazine also confirmed that the American private military company had sent part of its forces to Israel to support operations in the Gaza Strip at the end of 2023.

