YEMEN Press Agency

Lawyer flees fear of kidnapping in Aden

ADEN, Aug. 28 (YPA) – A lawyer and legal advisor managed to flee from the city of Aden, which is under the control of the coalition, for fear of being kidnapped by members of UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council.

Lawyer and legal advisor Nabil Al-Amoudi confirmed in a post on his Facebook account that he left Aden after issuing a circular to arrest him and take his personal mobile phones by the Director of Aden Security and the Commander of the Transitional Security Belt.

Al-Amoudi said that the reason of issuing circular to arrest him by the leader of the transitional factions, Jalal Al-Rubaie, is that he made efforts to resolve some land issues in the Bir Fadhl area and end disputes among citizens lasted for years.

Al-Amoudi reported that the Transitional Council has a list of names of those wanted for arrest, wondering, “Why all this hatred against who speaks the word of truth?”.

He pointed out that the transitional leaders were immersed in a quagmire of looting lands and the result is disastrous, indicating that these leaders have become obsessed with kidnapping and arresting everyone who disagrees with them.

This comes at a time when faction leaders are launching a massive kidnapping campaign against media activists and politicians in Aden.