YEMEN Press Agency

Araghchi: Iran backs any agreement accepted by the Palestinian people and resistance

WORLD, Aug. 28 (YPA) – Khalil al-Hayya, a member of the Political Bureau and head of Arab and Islamic relations for the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), congratulated Mr. Abbas Araghchi on his appointment as Iran’s Foreign Minister.

In response, Mr. Araghchi thanked Mr. al-Hayya for his call and congratulations, and affirmed that Iran’s policy of supporting the oppressed Palestinian people and resistance will continue strongly under the Fourteenth Government.

Araghchi confirmed that Iran will support any ceasefire agreement and end to the war in Gaza that is accepted by the Palestinian resistance, its factions, and Hamas.

He praised the steadfastness of the people of Gaza and the resistance over the past 11 months against the crimes of the Zionists, and expressed confidence that ultimate victory will be with the Palestinian people, with the Islamic Republic of Iran standing by them until the end.

