YEMEN Press Agency

Russia reveals root causes behind current tensions in Middle East

WORLD, Aug.28 (YPA) -Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova revealed the root causes behind the current tensions in the Middle East.

“The current situation in the Middle East is largely a consequence of the desire of the United States to maintain its dominant influence in the region,” Maria Zakharova said in a statement to the “Ria Novosti” news agency.

“Washington’s desire to monopolize the mediation role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, preserve the status quo and promote ‘economic peace,’ while neglecting the fundamental issues of a long-term solution to this long-standing problem on the basis of existing decisions of the General Assembly and the UN Security Council have contributed to the accumulation of potential conflicts,” the spokeswoman explained.

“In parallel, the Americans have actively promoted their confrontational approaches aimed at creating artificial dividing lines in the region and assembling anti-Iranian coalitions,” Zakharova added.

According to the spokeswoman, the root causes of the current dangerous escalation in the Middle East are linked to the unresolved Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the inability of the international community to stop the unprecedented bloodshed in the Gaza Strip.

“This resulted in a strong deterioration of the political-military situation throughout the region, especially in the area of the Israeli-Lebanese border, in the area of the occupied Golan Heights and in the waters of the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait,” She said.

Zakharova noted that “the confrontation between Israel and Iran has reached a new level” and that in the Middle East there is a risk of “a big war”.

“The Middle East has reached a dangerous point and there is a risk of further uncontrolled escalation,” She stressed.

