YEMEN Press Agency

Hamas condemns Zionist soldiers’ fascist practices after burning of copies of Holy Quran

ALQUDS, Aug. 24 (YPA) – Hamas Movement condemned on Saturday fascist practices by Israeli occupation forces, following an incident in which Zionist soldiers reportedly desecrated a mosque and burned copies of the Holy Quran in the northern Gaza Strip.

“Documenting the heinous crime and publishing it on social media by the occupation soldiers clearly indicates a systematic criminal policy run by the Nazi government, in its continuation of the brutal genocidal war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and all aspects of life there,” the movement indicated in a news statement on its website.

The statement called on the Arab and Islamic people, governments and the world’s free people to express their anger and condemnation of the fascist Zionist behavior, and to move to defend the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Palestine, and to stop the genocidal war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

It called the Arab and Islamic people to direct all means of support and assistance to the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance, which is facing the killing and terrorism machine in defense of its land and holy sites.