YEMEN Press Agency

Civil defense recovers body of drowned girl in Sanaa

SANAA, Aug. 24 (YPA) – The Water Rescue Dive Team affiliated with Civil Defense Authority in Sanaa, recovered a dead body of 16-year-old girl, after she was swept away and drowned by rain floods on Thursday afternoon, August 22, while she was in front of Martyr Al-Sammad Park.

The girl was identified as Zainab Khalid Mohamed Al-Adoul.

Meanwhile, citizens were able to rescue her 12-year-old sister, Huda, who was with her at the time.

The Civil Defense Authority explained that the team found the child’s body in the area of the Customs Office at Sanaa Airport, in the Bani Harith District, after hours of searching during the rainfall on Thursday evening.

The Authority renewed its warning to citizens not to let their children out of the house during and after rain.

“It also warned against swimming in dams, water barriers, and areas with standing water.

