YEMEN Press Agency

Save the Children urges UK government to halt arms sales to “Israel”

GAZA, Aug. 23 (YPA) – The international organization Save the Children has called on the British government to immediately suspend all arms sales to “Israel”, citing concerns over their potential use in serious violations of international humanitarian law.

The British-based organization wrote on X, “We are deeply distressed to see that six children, including four ten-year-old twins, and their mother, are the latest victims of Israeli airstrikes in Gaza.”

Save the Children emphasized their stance against the ongoing violence faced by Palestinian children, declaring, “We simply cannot accept the violence that Palestinian children continue to endure as a norm.”

Earlier on Thursday, Save the Children emphasized the right of Gaza’s children to education, just like children around the world, even during times of crisis.

“As young people across the UK are getting their GCSE results, schools in Gaza are being bombed. 100% of children in Gaza are unable to go to school,” the organization said in a post on X.

It concluded by asserting that education is a fundamental right for every child and that right does not end in times of emergency.

