YEMEN Press Agency

Hezbollah targets positions, gatherings of Israeli occupation troops

BEIRUT, Aug. 22 (YPA) – The Islamic resistance in Lebanon led by Hezbollah announced on Thursday carrying out three operations to target buildings used by Israeli enemy soldiers in “Al-Manara,” “Zarait,” and “Metulla” colonies, confirming that direct hits were achieved.

In a separate statement, the resistance confirmed that its mujahideen (fighters) targeted a position of occupation soldiers in the vicinity of the “Ghajar” site with appropriate weapons, and they were also able to achieve a direct hit and cause the soldiers to be killed or wounded.

The resistance indicated that these operations come in the context of responding to the Israeli occupation’s attacks on southern Lebanese villages.

According to the resistance statements, the “Al-Marj” site was targeted with appropriate weapons, and the “Al-Malikiyah” site was targeted with artillery shells, and both were directly hit.