YEMEN Press Agency

Health Minister stresses on environment sector’s role in confronting biological war against Yemen

SANAA, Aug. 20 (YPA) – The Minister of Health and Environment of the Sanaa Government, Dr. Ali Abdulkarim Shaiban, on Monday emphasized the importance of the environment sector role in confronting the biological war against Yemen.

This came during his chairing a meeting with the ministry’s cadres in the presence of the Undersecretary of the Ministry for the Environment Sector, Muhammad Al-Wadie.

Shiban said that “the Ministry and the institutions, bodies, and departments present in this important public sector are today renewing their activity by merging this important sector with the health sector, which both are considered the preventive and curative line of defense for the Yemeni citizen.”

He pointed to the great role played by this sector during the stage of aggression against Yemen in confronting pests, epidemics, and the effects left by biological bombing and the internationally prohibited weapons of the Saudi-led coalition, from which Yemen is still suffering to this day.